Wydawnictwo Ridna Mova zaprezentowało ukraińskie wydanie 5 tomu „Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza: Każde martwe marzenie” – Оповістки з Меекханського прикордоння. Книга 5 Кожна мертва мрія https://ridna-mova.com/opovistki-z-meekxanskogo-prikordonnja-kniga-5.html

from the Meekhan Frontier is truly a new word in the genre, combining
the best features of classic fantasy and contemporary historical novels.
These are stories about living people who have to face something beyond
their strength and have no right to retreat.
cannot be avoided. Deana d’Cllean knows this for sure – but now she is
no longer a Memory Singer or a warrior. As the chosen one of Hagar and
the Lady of Fire, she must take care of her desert principality, which
is about to ignite from another flame – a slave uprising.
Laskolnyk and his free riders find themselves in the vortex of this
uprising. But they still don’t know what exactly their kha-dar is
looking for among slaves.
Similarly, in the far north, the Red Six have no idea what ancient and terrible secret they have stumbled upon.
destinies of the characters intersect more and more often, and the
powerful forces that rule the world take the next step towards a goal
known only to them.
The book also includes the prequel story „Sche Zamayorit” (Ще замайорить – Jeszcze może załopotać), in
which we will finally see the capital of the Meekhan empire and learn
more about the past of the emperor and general Genno Laskolnyk.